COM Port Info V1.2.1

  This page in German language

COM Port Info belongs natively to ComPortMan, but is handy standalone too.
  • Two views with COM ports and connection types (BusTypes)
  • "Safely remove hardware"
  • Restart devices to revive it after "safe removal" (if started with administrator previleges)
  • COM port numbers change and swap (if started with administrator previleges)
  • USB-Port reset (XP, Win8, 10, 11)
  • Display of the "Port Parameters" (GetCommState), that's how the last application using this port left it behind and on failure it indicates that the port is in use
  • Display of the "Default Port Parameters" (GetDefaultCommConfig), these are the parameters from the device manager
  • Display of the "Port Properties" (GetCommProperties), these are the capabilities of the COM port hardware, e.g. supported signals and data rates



  • COM1: An on-board port of an Intel Series 8 chipset attached thru LPC which is a sub-set of the historic ISA bus
  • COM6-7: An OX16AX99100 PCIe card with two serial ports
  • COM21-24: A 4x USB serial adaptor which is in fact a 4-port USB standard hub with four FTDI one-port serial controllers attached. FTDI controllers are a USB device with a child device exposing the COM port.
  • COM61-64: A 4x USB serial adaptor which is in fact a 4-port USB standard hub with four Prolific one-port serial controllers attached. Prolific controllers are a USB device which exposes a COM port itself.
  • COM7-10: A 4x USB multi-serial adaptor which is a USB device exposing four COM port devices.
Using the "Tools" -> "Flash Lines" dialog you can identify RS232 COM ports by means of a RS232 LED indicator device:



  Further Tools

COM Name Aribiter Tool: Clear up COM port reservations

Device Cleanup Tool: Clear up unused devices from the Windows Device Manager


  Conditions and Download

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ComPortInfo is Freeware.
- usage in any environment, including commercial
- include in software products, including commercial
- include on CD/DVD of computer magazines
Not allowed:
- modify any of the files
- offer for download by means of a "downloader" software




last change: May 2024

Uwe Sieber
